Pre-Conference Workshops

  • 13 June 2019

For even more in-depth learning at AppiumConf, register for a full-day workshop the day before the conference.

Workshops will run from 9:30–18:00 on Thursday 13 June 2019. Tickets are sold separately from the conference.


Getting Started with Appium

You always wanted to start Mobile app Automation using Appium but did not know where and what to start with? Or started but got stuck among understanding capabilities, locating elements, finding whats wrong and your daily work deadlines? Yeah, we all have been there. Hence here is this workshop, precisely designed for beginners to quickly get started with Appium in NodeJS.

At this workshop, you will learn everything from the scratch step by step. We will together understand the key concepts, apply them right there and write our “first test” in appium before we learn more nitty-gritties as takeaway for you to go and implement at your actual work directly.

Think of this as a one-day crash course in Appium. The course will be prepared in NodeJS but there will be help for those who want to get started in Java.

Bruno Alassia
Anand Bagmar
Pooja Shah

Advanced Appium

At this workshop, you'll learn about advanced concepts in Appium. We will learn how to write a single script for Android, iOS and mobile web apps. Once our tests are established, we will work on framework design and report. We will also have a detailed look at how can we automate various mobile gestures using TouchActions and mobile endpoints in Appium.

Srinivasan Sekar
Sai Krishna

Appium at Scale - Mobile Grid workshop

Selenium Grid can be a bit daunting to get up and running. Starting it is quite easy, but using it effectively can require pulling in third-party tools. In this workshop we’ll cover how to run your grid effectively, using best practices culled from several large grid installations with a hybrid setup for both Selenium and Appium tests.

Diego Molina

Fix a bug become a committer

Have you ever wondered how Appium works under the covers? Do you get frustrated with locators not locating, app screens not loading, or test behaving inconsistently from one run to the next? Appium is an attempt to unify thousands of disparate elements across a wide spectrum of challenges into a single, common interface that works seamlessly across all the major mobile and desktop OSs - and yet only a handful of volunteers work to maintain this gigantic effort. If you would like to enhance your own Appium experience while contributing back to the software that has defined so many of our careers, come to this workshop. We'll dissect the different elements of Appium, dive into its internals, learn how it was built and how to make changes to it, and even write a unit test you can contribute on the same day!

Jonathan Lipps
Daniel Graham
Kazuaki Matsuo

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